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If you are blessed with the opportunity to serve by protecting others as a security agent or officer, or on your church safety team, then this community of like-minded professional brothers and sisters was made for you.

This community exists to share ideas, solutions with a focus on training so we can all be better and safer. We talk about issues we all face and we debrief events so we can learn from those experiences and be better prepared. There will be talk about guns and gear, tactics, and training along with the other tools we use to keep ourselves and those we protect safer.

Welcome to the Protectraining community!

Terry Goodlad

Christian - God, Jesus, Holy Spirit

ProtecTraining Chief Instructor

Owner of Tac 1 Security Group LLC and TSG Protection

Safety Team Leader, Oceans Unite Christian Center

Former Law Enforcement Officer and SWAT Operator

NRA Certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor

NRA Certified Range Safety Officer

ASP Certified Baton, Handcuff and Light Instructor

SABRE Certified Aerosol Projector Instructor

Texas A&M Certified Civilian Response to Active Shooter Instructor

Florida K License Instructor K-3300045

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines and each other to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Please keep conversation respectful, constructive, and helpful
  • No profanity or sexually oriented content please
  • No politics please
  • No behavior that could be perceived as trolling/spamming/soliciting
  • Please invite your co-workers and friends to join us
  • Most of all we urge you to make friends and have fun

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